
How Force Sensitive Resistor Can be Integrated Within The Household?

Post by Allen Huang, Updated on June 11th, 2021


In a household, the elderly and babies caught our most attention and concerns. Individuals have to go to work and leave the elderly at home, and sometimes the baby just slips out of one’s sight. With the integration of force sensitive resistor, household are able to lower the risk of incidents, and most importantly to deal with the situation immediately. Force sensitive resistor (FSR) is a miniature sensor that senses pressure variation. It can be implanted under the floor and also within beds. In general, FSR can sense movement around the house. With proper setting, the system can acknowledge the situation and feedback the anomaly to the user immediately. We all know that sometimes things happened, but a quick response can lower the danger, and even save one’s life.


Movement and impact alert

man on ground



Force sensitive resistors can be integrated under rugs, wooden floor planks, and puzzle floor mats. These applications provide the options to monitor movement around the space and capable to alert when impact. By monitoring movement, the system can notify irregular idle time, lying on ground area sensing and instant impact, such as when elderly parents fell or collapse on the floor. The situation can be notice and alert other individuals firsthand in case of emergencies. It can also set as a border indicator to notify parents and caught their attention that baby is close to the side of their playground.


Sleeping monitoring

baby sleeping



Force sensitive resistors can be integrated within the mattress. These applications can monitor an individual’s sleeping condition. By detecting sleeping posture and vibration, the system can notify irregular behavior like seizures and coughing during sleeping. The situation can be notice and alert other individuals firsthand in case of emergencies. It can also set as a border indicator to notify parents and caught their attention that baby is close to the side of their crib.



In conclusion, force sensitive resistor integration within households has the possibility to prevent incidents. Furthermore, it can alert other individuals immediately when an incident happened.


Ceradex offers custom Force Sensing Resistor for your solution. Feel free to contact us for discussion and get your project started!!


Related Article: What is Force Sensitive Resistor and Its Advantage?