
What if robotic arm is fitted with pressure sensing resistor.

Post by Vicky Liu, Updated on June 13rd, 2024

robotic arm is fitted with pressure sensing resistor


Enhanced Safety:

Pressure-sensitive sensors can detect the amount of force being applied, which helps prevent accidents and injuries. If the robotic arm applies too much pressure, it can stop or reduce its force, ensuring the safety of human workers and delicate products.


Improved Precision:

These sensors enable the robotic arm to handle objects with varying levels of fragility and hardness more precisely. This is especially useful in tasks like assembling delicate components or handling fragile materials.


Quality Control:

robotic arm is fitted with pressure sensing resistor

By monitoring and adjusting the force applied during operations, pressure-sensitive sensors help maintain consistent quality. This reduces the risk of damage to products and ensures uniformity in the manufacturing process.


Adaptive Handling:

The robotic arm can adapt to different tasks without requiring extensive reprogramming. It can automatically adjust the pressure based on the task, making it versatile for various applications.


Feedback Mechanism:

Pressure-sensitive sensors provide real-time feedback to the control system, enabling more accurate and responsive control of the robotic arm. This can lead to better performance and efficiency in manufacturing processes.


Reduced Wear and Tear:

robotic arm is fitted with pressure sensing resistor

By controlling the amount of force applied, these sensors help reduce unnecessary stress on both the robotic arm and the materials being handled. This can extend the lifespan of the equipment and reduce maintenance costs.


Enhanced Dexterity:

With pressure-sensitive sensors, the robotic arm can perform tasks that require a delicate touch, such as assembling small or intricate parts, which would be difficult or impossible without this capability.


Efficiency and Speed:

These sensors can optimize the force applied, leading to faster and more efficient operations. The robotic arm can move swiftly without compromising the integrity of the materials it handles.


Improved Automation:

Pressure-sensitive sensors contribute to the overall automation of the manufacturing process. They enable the robotic arm to perform complex tasks autonomously, reducing the need for human intervention and increasing productivity.


Overall, pressure-sensitive sensors significantly enhance the capabilities of robotic arms in manufacturing facilities, leading to safer, more efficient, and higher-quality production processes.


Ceradex offers custom Force Sensing Resisotor for your solution. Feel free to contact us for discussion and get your project started!!